Tuesday, August 6, 2013

D's Bash: MustLoveBabies c/o Tonn Navales and Anj Quejada

We all know that our babies cannot remember every single detail of the party, hence...the importance of photos and videos. And if there's anything important to parents, it's that our babies have to be amicable and happy when their photos are being taken. It's a challenge making them smile but making them smile on cue is even harder!

I remember growing up watching home videos, how great if D would get the chance to watch home videos of himself as well? This time, though, I needed a professional to take shots of the party itself as I was already prancing around the bash like a maniac worrying about every single thing.

Tonn is the younger brother of a mom from our playgroup, Peas in the Pod. His passion and love for photos and videos can be seen through his YouTube channel. Also, having a niece like Malaika who loves the camera, you know that he's had extensive experience in shooting babies! He and Anj had more patience during D's shoot for his invite and I was more than happy with the outcome.

One of D's shots for his invite
Though D wasn't in the best of moods (notice the tear in his left eye), Tonn and Anj still managed to make him smile and take the best shots.

Here's a link to D's big bash video that Tonn has made for us. D's Big Bash

If you'd like to contact Tonn, here's is a link to his FB page.

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