Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Antics and Shenanigans

18 months for D is just around the corner and boy, has he grown up!

He's not only a mix of L and I but he has a whole side of him that we can only wonder where he got! Weekends are pure of fun and play as I make it a point to spend as much time as I can with him, and L always makes the effort of doing so on his only day off (Sundays). Yes, he's more than a handful but we won't have it any other way.

In terms of development stages...I've already learned to turn a blind eye to what "experts" say because I can only imagine the type of pressure that would put on me and L as we try to make a checklist of what D should be able to do at this stage. 18 months, yes...there are milestones that these toddlers should be hitting but I'd rather D hit it because he wants to and not because we feel like it's a list he needs to achieve. Blabbers and mumbles, yes...he's the perfect example for that. 2-syllable words? Maybe, depends if I catch it myself or Yaya W. Heck, I'm sure he can hold a conversation with me without me knowing. But as long as we're both having fun and he's learning along the way...that's all that matters.

Thankfully, his pedia has seen what he can do and agrees with me...there's no need for a checklist especially when he's thriving so well. And since I'm still breastfeeding him at 17 months and 22 days strong...I'd say that the IQ points that experts are saying will quantify once he's already in his elementary and high school years. Besides, we are all different and we all have different learning styles. I have yet to discover how he exactly learns but he is a sponge, this little man of mine. I can only hope for so much but I know that it's all up to him.

His latest antic is when he mimics L and I when we talk on the mobile phone. We use the speaker when talking and he grabs the remote control and starts talking random blabbers and looks at us as if we need to respond to him. Yes, he's cool like that. We sometimes joke that he'll be following our footsteps and be bossing people around but I shudder to think of such future! LOL! He's not as patient, he's a toddler so patience is still a learning curve, especially when his stack of building blocks fall.

He loves writing...nope, not on the walls...but on the sheets and the rubber mats on the floor instead! He uses crayons, pens, pencils...anything he can get his hands on that he knows is drawing material...expect it to be his. One can only imagine my reaction when I realize that my daily mommy planner has all his doodles...I don't mind, it's something that I'll treasure so much! I'd always tell myself...more doodles, please!

Tantrums? Of course, he's a toddler! We make it a point that he doesn't cry out as much so that there would be a communication between whoever is handling him and himself. We let him cry so that he could let his feelings out but we don't let him cry it out. He's just like any other toddler who throws tantrums especially when he doesn't get what he wants or when we don't understand what he's trying to say. It's a rollercoaster ride with him but it's view's totally worth it.

I still can't believe that we're about to hit 18's been such a quick ride, in the blink of the eye...who knows where D will find himself. Antics and shenanigans about, he's the one person who will always have a place in my heart...of course, because he knows how it feels from the inside.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Save, Pay and Invest

As I greeted 2014, I knew that I needed to up my ante on myself and give myself a challenge...three goals popped in my mind immediately: save, pay and invest.

SAVE. It's the one word that I've always eluded all the this time. It's easier said than done and everyone knows that. I've never been the best at saving and I knew that it was going to bite me in the ass sooner or later. And when D came into the picture, I knew that I needed to shift priorities. Well, I basically changed the way that I thought and really focused on family. So this time around, I'm putting my money where my mouth is...opening a trust for Damien and putting a portion of our earnings in savings.

PAY. Paying off all the "external" debts that we have. When I say external, I mean the credit card and loan. We still have "internal" debts towards my parents for taking us in and taking care of us all these years. But my ultimate goal is to pay off the external debts so that we can focus more on helping out with the household utilities and more savings as well.

INVEST. Not so sure yet as to where we'll be putting in our money but my view of this is taking over the payment of the life policies and pre-need policies that my parents got for L and I while we were still younger. We might be getting a policy for D as well.

I keep on reminiscing when I was still young and would play house while Mum and Dad were away on their trips and I would pretend to be the one in charge of the house and all...then I snap back to reality and realize that I am an adult and I will be in charge of the house soon after Mum and Dad have moved out and moved to their home on the foot of Mt. Apo...

As much as I would love to challenge myself more, these three goals will push me to be a smarter individual in the world of money. It will help us in making decisions for the family and it will also help us prepare for the future. Hey, D will start school in 2 years so we need to prepare for that as well, whether we decide to homeschool him or not...and the most usual question I'm being asked these days is, "When will you give D a sibling?" My answer so far, "We'll try late next year..." It's not cheap giving birth these days...let alone raise a child.

Fingers crossed as I start my journey to achieve these three goals...


Urinary Tract Infection: It's Not What Everyone Thinks It Is

Been a little busier than usual and this has been in my drafts since mid-December...

UTI or urinary tract infection is quite common for girls only because of how our anatomy is on the outside. It's quite rare for boys though it's not impossible for them to acquire UTI.

D was diagnosed with UTI early September and he went through a course of antibiotics. It was the scariest thing we had to go through since his fever was erratic though persistent and he went through chills at one point. He had three urine cultures and even though there were two types of bacteria that was present in his urine, only one was removed with the antibiotics. Then he was clinically all right and well even though E.Coli was still positive in his culture. His pedia, Doc Monna, ordered for another urine culture in one of the top hospitals here in Davao just to make sure and then we will decide on the course of treatment thereafter.

I was a little unsure with the fact that the course of treatment for E.Coli in UTI is only via IV antibiotics, I wasn't too keen with admitting D in the hospital just for that when he is clinically active and not having fever. So, we postponed the urine culture and decided to go the organic route and made him drink coconut water for two weeks straight...hoping that his UTI would just go away.

By mid-November, D was having his usual fever and loss of appetite. We rushed to the hospital for labs. His CBC platelet were within normal range so it's not dengue but he does have an infection. His urine culture was due in a couple of days so we resorted to just letting him drink paracetamol for the meantime to regulate his temperature.

When the urine culture came out and it was still positive with E.Coli...then I knew that his UTI was back with a vengeance so we were prepping ourselves for the worst, which would mean that D would have to admitted for IV antibiotics. So, late November D was admitted at Brokenshire Hospital for 10 days for his UTI treatment. It was one of the most challenging times because I knew what it took to be in the hospital and the discomfort and pain he'd have to go through with all the needle poking and lab tests. I'm quite proud to say that he's such a trooper and has even made tons of friends amongst the nurses.

He was discharged with a clean bill of health though he still has some procedures to be scheduled. D is still maintaining his antibiotics for the meantime, but he is scheduled to have his circumcision next week due to his phimosis (the tightness of the foreskin of the penis that prevents the retraction of the foreskin over the glans). And once he's all healed up, he'll go through VCUG (voiding cysto-urethrogram) to check if there is anything in his urinary tract system that might be the cause of the infection aside from his phimosis.

We hope that his circumcision and his VCUG will go smoothly so that his recurring UTI will be done and I won't have to panic every time he would get a fever...
